I’m going to miss the Occupy Toronto campsite, this colourful little progressive utopia in the heart of a cold grey city. For by tomorrow night it will almost surely be destroyed.
I’m going to miss the endless discussions about how to change the world and make it a better place. I’m going to miss the amazing collection of gentle idealists and activists who kept it running, so long and so peacefully.
I’m going to miss the poor lost kids.
Who along with other marginalized people came to call the camps home.
But like many progressives I also think it’s time move on. Running that camp, and all the others, is consuming too much energy.
Why do they have to sleep there? Who thinks well when they are tired and sick?They say their camp is their power. I say it’s an albatross — exhausting their reserves and energy, and sparking fights . . . → Read More: Montreal Simon: Occupy Canada and the Silence of the Lambs